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How Do I...?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Township Building located?

1130 N. Bethlehem Pike, Spring House, PA 19477. Across from the Spring House Village Shopping Center.

How do I get to the Township Building?

From PA Turnpike at Ft. Washington (Exit #26)

Take Route #309 north to Spring House - Norristown Road exit. Turn left onto Norristown Road to Bethlehem Pike (3rd traffic light - Spring House Tavern will be on the left). Turn right (North) onto Bethlehem Pike. The next traffic light will be Moore Drive, which is in front of the firehouse attached to our building. Go to the next driveway; turn right into the Township parking lot, which we share with Wells Fargo Bank.

Route 476 (Northeast Extension), south Lansdale exit (Exit 31)

Turn left (east) onto Sumneytown Pike. Cross Route 202 at William Penn Inn. The third traffic light will be Bethlehem Pike, make a left. There is a traffic light at Moore Drive, which is in front of our firehouse attached to our building. Go to next driveway and turn right. We share a parking lot with Wells Fargo Bank.

What are the Township hours?

8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday.

When and what time are our meetings, and where are they held?

All meetings are held at the Township Building in the meeting room on the second floor and all meetings begin at the times noted below and are open to the public.

Board of Supervisors:  2nd & 4th Tuesday (June-Aug the BOS meets on the 4th Tuesday only and the 2nd Tuesday only in December)
Zoning Hearing Board - 2nd Thursday at 6pm
Planning Commission - 3rd Wednesday at 7pm
Park and Recreation - 3rd Tuesday at 6pm
Environmental Advisory Council - 2nd Wednesday at 7pm

For a full list of committees and meeting dates/times click here.

Do I need a permit for building, plumbing, and electrical work on my house?

Yes. The Building and Zoning Department will answer specific questions. The hours for the Building and Zoning Department are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Where do I vote?

There is a number on the registration card. If you have your card, we can check the list and provide that answer. If the card is not available, you can call Voter's Registration at 610-278-3280.

Am I registered to vote?

Call Voter's Registration - 610-278-3280.

When are certain roads going to be repaired?

The Township has a schedule for road and curb replacement. The road program is part of the annual Township budget. The Director of Public Works can answer specific questions.

If it is a state road, call 610-275-2368. If it is a county road, call 610-278-3613.

How is our Sewer Bill calculated?

The sewer usage rate is $88.00 for the first 12,000 gallons and $5.80 for each 1,000 gallons thereafter. Also, for any well customers the rate is $139.48 per quarter.

Who is responsible for trash collection?

Republic Services is the Township's designated waste hauler. All new residents must contract with Republic Services. The current contract runs through October 2025. Call Republic Services at 215-723-0400 to arrange for service. The standard service charge is $32.04 per month.

Why hasn't the trash/recycling been picked up?

Trash is collected twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. In the event a holiday falls on a Monday, collection will be delayed by one day for both collections that week. If the holiday falls during the week but after Monday, then only the Thursday pick-up will be delayed by one day. Recycling is collected once per week on Mondays or Thursdays depending on where you live in the township. If your collection has been missed, call Republic Services 215-723-0400.

What is the holiday schedule for trash/ recycling?

Week of Memorial Day-Trash, Recycling pickup will be Tuesday/Friday

Week of July 4th-Trash, Recycling will be Monday/Thursday

Week of Labor Day--- Trash, Recycling pickup will be Tuesday/Friday

Thanksgiving Week-Trash, Recycling will be Monday/Friday

Week of Christmas and New Year's- Trash, Recycling pickup will be Monday/Friday

When are the snowplows coming to plow our road?

Why have the plows blocked our mailbox? The plows clear all Township roads at least twice as soon as they possibly can. There are a lot of roads and they have set routes. If mailboxes have been plowed in, the Township cannot go back and dig them out, as we cannot take the employees off the snow removal equipment to do that. It is very important that the roads be kept clear of snow and ice. State and county roads are plowed by their crews.

What recreation programs does the Township offer?

The Township Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide variety of program on a year-round basis. A detailed listing can be found in the most current issue of the newsletter or on the parks and recreation page of this website.

Where is the library located in Lower Gwynedd Township?

Lower Gwynedd Township does not have a public library within its border. However, residents can visit the nearby Wissahickon Public Library or the North Wales Public Library.

Is burning of yard waste permitted in the Township?

No. Burning of Yard Waste is no longer permitted in Lower Gwynedd Township. The best solution for getting rid of leaves, twigs, branches and limbs is to compost the debris and spread that around your flower beds and gardens as an effective way to place nutrients back in your soil.

How can I obtain a copy of a police accident report?

If you were involved in the accident you can come into the Police Station and request a copy of the report. For any insurance company or attorney representing an involved party there is a $15.00 charge.

What is the tax rate for Lower Gwynedd Township?

The total millage* for the township is 31.185 which is distributed as such:

School District - 24.32 mil (78%)
Montgomery County - 5.252 mil (17%) & Montgomery County Community College-0.39 mil (1%)
Lower Gwynedd Township - 1.223 mil (4%)

*The rate used in calculating taxes based upon the value of property, expressed in mills or millage. For example, if the property tax is 20 mills and the property is assessed at $150,000, the property tax is $3,000.

How do I report a pothole?

To report potholes on State-owned roads, call 610-275-2368.

To report potholes on County-owned roads, call 610-278-3613.

To report potholes on Township-owned roads, call 215-646-5302

Campaign Signs FAQ's

As election season approaches, Lower Gwynedd Township reminds residents of guidelines for displaying signs. Please note that campaign signs should not be placed in parks, Township-owned properties, or Township buildings. If signs are found in these areas, you may retrieve them at the Township Building. 

This FAQ sheet below outlines the key regulations and by following these guidelines, we can all contribute to a respectful and organized environment during the campaign period.   

1. What rules apply to campaign signs?

Most campaign signs are considered “temporary signs” and are regulated by Lower Gwynedd’s zoning code.  A temporary sign is simply a non-permanent sign located on private property.

2. What rules apply to temporary signs on residential properties?

Temporary signs can be placed anywhere on residential properties.  There are specific restrictions for contractor signs and for sale/rent signs, but otherwise there are no restrictions on the number, size, or duration of temporary signs on residential properties.

3. What rules apply to temporary signs on non-residential properties? 

  • Up to 5 signs are allowed per street frontage 
  • Each sign can be up to 8 square feet. 
  • Signs can be displayed for up to 14 consecutive days, with a maximum of two display periods per calendar year (which can be consecutive). That means campaign signs cannot be placed on non-residential properties until October 5, 2024. 

4. Can temporary signs be placed in parks?

No, signs are not allowed in parks, at the Township Building, or on any properties owned by Lower Gwynedd Township.  The Township will remove any signs on those properties.  Signs can be retrieved from the shed behind the Township Building. 

5. Are temporary signs allowed to be illuminated? 

No, temporary signs cannot be illuminated. 

6. Do I need permission to put a sign on someone else’s property?

Yes, if you don’t own the property, you must obtain permission from the property owner before placing a temporary sign on their property.

7. Do I need to get a permit to display temporary signs?

No, you do not need to apply for a permit from Lower Gwynedd Township to display temporary signs.  However, you must comply with the Zoning Code’s regulations, such as the size and duration limits for signs on non-residential properties.  If the signs do not comply, you will have to remove them.

8. Are flags with messages considered signs?

Yes, flags with messages (such as the names of candidates or sports teams) are considered signs but they are exempt from Zoning Code regulations.  You can fly a flag of any size on private property for as long as you want.