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Trash & Recycling


Seasonal Recycling & Waste Collection: 

Spring Leaf/Yard Waste Collection Dates: Republic Services provides curbside leaf/yard waste collection throughout the Spring and Fall. The confirmed dates for this Spring are Saturdays, April 12th & May 10th.  All leaf and yard waste must be put in biodegradable bags and placed curbside by 6am on the day of pick-up. There is a limit of eight bags per pick-up. ALL LEAVES SHALL BE PLACED IN BIODEGRADABLE BAGS AND PLACED CURBSIDE BY 6:00 AM ON THE DATE OF THE COLLECTION BUT NO EARLIER THAN 7:00 PM THE DAY PRIOR TO THE COLLECTION DATE.

Holiday Lights: Non-working holiday lights can be dropped off at Ingersoll Park from November - January 31st. Look for green and red recycling bins and simply place your lights in the bins! 

Christmas Trees: Christmas trees can be dropped off at Ingersoll Park following the holidays. The park is at 905 Wister Avenue in Penllyn.

Curbside Christmas Tree Recycling: Christmas trees can be placed curbside for recycling and will be scheduled following the holidays. 

Republic Services is the Contracted Waste Hauler in Lower Gwynedd Township- Important Contract Terms Below

  • The Lower Gwynedd Township Board of Supervisors awarded the bid for Trash Collection Services to Republic Services at their meeting on September 22, 2020. The current contract commenced on November 1st, 2020 a. In fall 2023, the BOS voted to exercise a two-year extension. This action was taken to keep costs down and avoid an interruption in service. The extension contains a 3% increase for years 4 and 5, per the original contract. The extended contract will expire October 31st, 2025. 
  • Account information can only be accessed by Republic Services. You must call Republic Services directly for account information at 215-723-0400 or to establish an account. 
  • RATE: The 2025 collection rate is $96.12 per quarter.  
  • COLLECTION DAYS: Collection days are Mondays and Thursdays. Recycling is once per week. Place trash at the curb no later than 6:00 AM on the day of collection, but no earlier than 7:00 PM on the prior evening.  
  • HOLIDAYS: Republic Services Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July if it falls on a weekday), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 
  • BULK TRASH: Any resident with a bulk item shall contact Republic Services for coordination and disposal prior to placing by the curbside. One bulk item per month is permissible at no extra charge to the contracted household: $30.00 charge for each additional item. 
  • YARD WASTE: Leaf and Yard Waste will be collected on eight (8) specific dates throughout the year (two (2) dates in the Spring; six (6) dates in the Fall). All waste must be placed in biodegradable bags and limited to eight (8) bags per pickup. Two Christmas tree collections will also be provided following the holidays on two dates to be agreed upon by the Township and hauler. 

*Please note, these services included in the contract are unchanged from previous contracts.


Recycling in Lower Gwynedd Township is required for all residential properties, commercial entities, and hospitality establishments (including restaurants and taverns). Community events attended by 200 people or more are required to provide recycling containers. The LGT ordinance pertaining to recycling can be found here. Lower Gwynedd Township is a member of the Northern Montgomery Recycling Commission

What Not to Recycle 

Recycling is all single stream, all in the same recycling container - no sorting is required.  

The two information sheets on recycling  can be downloaded here and printed as a quick references when you have questions as to what bin an item should be placed in:

Recycling What Can Be Recycled

Recycling Simplified. Is this recyclable?

Additional Drop-Off Recycling Resources 

  • Cardboard and Paper can be recycled behind the Wissahickon School District Administrative Offices located at 601 Knight Road.

For more information on recycling from Republic Services check out their educational material at Recycling Education, Activities and Ideas | Republic Services

Montgomery County hosts household hazardous waste collection events by appointment only. Fall collections are scheduled for:

  • Saturday, September 21st, 2024- Spring-Ford 9th Grade Center: 400 S. Lewis Road, Royersford
  • Sunday, October 13th, 2024- Lower Merion Transfer Station: 1300 N. Woodbine Avenue, Penn Valley.

For additional information or to schedule an appointment visit or call the recycling hotline at 610-278-3618.

Electronics Recycling: 

Electronic Devices must be recycled in Pennsylvania under Act 108. Act 108 requires that all electronic devices be recycled and not placed in the regular trash for curbside collection. Electronic Devices include desktop and laptop computers, tablets, monitors, peripheral devices, and televisions. Occasionally, Montgomery County will offer electronic devices collections.

EAC Battery & Techno Recycling: Lower Gwynedd’s Enviromental Advisory Council offers battery and techno recycling. Collections are held on the 2nd Saturday of odd months from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Disclaimer: This event is for LGT residents only. 

New Electronics Recycling Opportunity: Reworld and Goodwill Keystone area are bringing free electronic waste recycling to 22 counties in central and southeast Pennsylvania. Made possible through the Pennsylvania Recycling Market Center, the new partnership will allow a wide range of electronics to be donated at Goodwill locations. Those electronics that can be reused will be resold while those that are at the end of their useful life will be recycled. Items accepted include televisions and computers for other household electronics, including mobile devices, gaming systems, telephones, toasters, vacuums, and more, with a goal to collect half a million pounds of electronic waste within the first year. To learn more about the program and which items will be accepted visit the Township’s website,