Lower Gwynedd Township will be holding a residential Electronics Recycling & Shredding Event on Saturday, May 11th from 8am until 11am. The event will be held in the Township Municipal Building parking lot located at 1130 N. Bethlehem Pike. Lower Gwynedd Township Residents must have valid identification (ex. driver's license) and should remain in their cars. Staff will be on hand to direct you and unload your items. We operate under a single file line so there is one entrance and one exit, do not enter at the bank as that is use for exiting only. Please do not park in the parking lot, this is a drive-thru event. We will not start early so please we ask that you not arrive prior to 8am as you will not have access to the parking lot and that will cause traffic delays along Bethlehem Pike. Below is a link to the event flyer with additional details.