The approach of the July Fourth Holiday seems to always bring fireworks and other outdoor activities. The weather has been unusually dry this spring—creating a significant fire hazard in natural areas. Therefore, burning of all kinds is banned until further notice with the exception of small BBQ grilles and manufactured items that hold a fire no larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. Per Lower Gwynedd Fire Code section 307.4 fires in an approved container must be at least 15 feet from ANY structure (this includes decks and wood fences) or 25 feet for any combustible for a fire pit or similar constructed area. Any non-conforming fire will be extinguished immediately upon discovery.
Fireworks—per Pennsylvania State law, they shall not be set off within 150 feet of ANY structure or vehicle (regardless of the ownership of the structure or vehicle to the person setting off the fireworks). Errant fireworks create a significant fire risk. Use of fireworks when the environment is so dry is NOT recommended and will be prosecuted if an incident results from their use.
In addition, below is a link to an article regarding the drought watch designation issued for Pennsylvania.